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General  information Third International Conference 
on Combustion and detonation, ZEL'DOVICH MEMORIAL - III, October 27 - 31, 2014

Invitation on the Third International Conference
on Combustion and detonation,
October 27 - 31, 2014

The conference will be held at headquarters of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the building is situated in the picturesque place on the bank of the Moskva river. Address: Leninskii prospect 32à, Moscow

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The official language of the conference is English.

The Registration Fee for young foreign participants (below 35) is:

  • 150 Euro (if paid before 30.08.2014)
  • 180 Euro (if paid after 30.08.2014

and for other foreign participants (above 35):

  • 250 Euro (if paid before 30.08.2014)
  • 300 Euro (if paid after 30.08.2014)

The Registration Fee includes costs of visa formalities, transfer from International Airport, participant kit, coffee-breaks, and welcome reception.

The Registration Fee.

Information about recommended Hotels.

Application form for hotel reservation at «Sputnik» 3*».
Application form for hotel reservation at «Korston Hotel Moscow 4*».


The extended abstract should be not more than 4 pages in length, including figures, tables, and references. The extended abstract should include a title with name(s) and organization(s) of author(s) followed by the main body of text and references with full titles of the literature sources. It should be prepared single-spaced on 8.5x11 in. paper (or A4 paper) using one side of the sheet only with 1-inch (or 25-millimeter) margins. Use 12-point Times font.


The full manuscript should be not more than 12 pages in length, including figures, tables, and references. The manuscript should include a title with name(s) and organization(s) of author(s) and an abstract of 150 to 200 words followed by sections containing an introduction, the main body of text, concluding remarks, acknowledgements, and references.

It should be prepared single-spaced on 8.5 x 11 in. paper (or A4 paper) using one side of the sheet only with 1-inch (or 25-millimeter) margins. Use 12-point Times font.

All figures and tables should be referred in the text and have captions. Figures should be also submitted separately from text in original graphical format (cdr, psd, tif, eps, etc.). Original illustrations should be not less than 300 dpi. Use a minimum amount of text within the illustrations; the figure captions can be extensive giving those details.

All references should be extensive, i. e., containing the full list of authors, year, publication title, full journal title, volume, issue, pages (for journals); year, book title, place, publisher (for books).

An article submitted to publication in the book must not violate the Copyright law. The articles should be original which have not been published before and are not intended for publication in other editions. Sending the manuscript, the authors retain all rights of the owners of the manuscript and transfer the nonexclusive rights to publish the article in English and its distribution in Russia and abroad to the Publishers (TORUS PRESS).

Authors should submit a letter to the Publishers in the following form:

Agreement on the transfer of rights to publish:
“We, the undersigned authors of the manuscript “…,” pass to the Publishers (TORUS PRESS) the nonexclusive right to publish the manuscript of the article in English in both print and electronic versions of the book. We affirm that this publication does not violate the Copyright of other persons or organizations.
Author(s) signature(s): (name(s), address(es), date”

This agreement should be submitted in paper form or in the form of a scanned copy (signed by the authors).

The Editors examine the article according to the established reviewing procedure. If the authors receive their article for correction after reviewing, it does not mean that the article is approved for publication. The corrected article should be sent to the Editors for the subsequent review and approval.

The decision on article publication or rejection is communicated to the authors. The Editors may also send the reviews on the submitted articles to the authors. There will be no discussions upon the rejected articles.

The conference is organized by

  • Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Material Science (ISMAN)
  • Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics (ICP)
  • Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics (IPCP)
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)


Representative International meeting of experts on combustion and detonation, state-of-art in the light of basic works of Ya.B. Zeldovich, and development of his ideas.